Page 144 - TesaKatalogen
P. 144

Accessories for lever dial test indicators

M1,6 coupling                                                           Measuring Inserts for COMPAC Models
The original inserts  ø                                                 01866014  Ball tip, mm         Ball tip material  L1, mm  L2, mm
mounted on all                                                    M1,6  01866003
indicators are                                                          01866021  0,8                  Carbide            18      14,26
fully interchangeble                         L2                         01866016  2                    Carbide            18      14,26
with inserts with                                                       01866004  3                    Carbide            18      14,26
different diameter    L1 = Axial length from ball                       01866023  0,8                  Carbide            36      32,26
tips as long as the   to pivot                                          01866015  2                    Carbide            36      32,26
insert has the same                                                     01866006  3                    Carbide            36      32,26
nominal length.       01866014                                          01866022  0,8                  Carbide            45      41,26
                                                                        01866026  2                    Carbide            45      41,26
                                                                        01866027  3                    Carbide            45      41,26
                                                                                  2                    Ruby               18      14,26
                                                                                  2                    Ruby               36      32,26

                                                                        Accessories for COMPAC
                                                                        Swivel Clamps

                                                                                                 Stem  Clamping length
                                                                                                       25 mm
                                                                        SPT 8 mm                       1 in
                                                                        SPTA 1/4 in

                      SPT                                               Mounting Rods with Dovetail Grip
                                                                        01850106  Fixing shank swivelling through +/-30°          1/4 in
                                                                        01850107  Rigid fixing shank                              1/4 in
                                                                        01840106  Fixing shank swivelling through +/-30°          8 mm
                                                                        01840107  Rigid fixing shank Ø8mm                         8 mm
                                                                        01840108  Fixing shank swivelling through +/-30°          4 mm
                                                                        01840109  Rigid fixing shank Ø4mm                         4 mm

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