Page 22 - TesaKatalogen
P. 22
C o n n ecti v it y
Opto and Sub-D Connection
Standard Opto Connection
Any connecting cable is defined by each of the connectors fitted at either end of
the cable principally to suit the computer, and the measuring instrument being
used. To achieve highest compatibility levels, TESA uses only standardized and
proven connectors.
Examples of instruments with type Opto connector:
TESA ALESOMETRE – TESA DIGICO 10 / 11 / 205 / 305 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 705 –
TESATRONIC TT20 / TT60 / TT80 / TT90 – INTERAPID - Light
L, m Connection Connection 04761062 04761046
(to instru- (to PC or
ment) system) 04761049
Current systems
04761062 Opto-USB cable, 2 Opto- Type A TESA PRINTER
duplex, bidirectional RS232 USB SPC
communication Computer
04761046 Opto-RS cable, 2 Opto- Sub-D 9p/f
simplex, 2 m, one way RS232 Simplex
from the instrument 04761027
to the PC Compatible connectors
S47010022 Opto-RS cable, 5 Opto- Sub-D 9p/f
simplex, 5 m, one way RS232 Simplex
from the instrument
to the PC
04761049 Opto-RS cable, 2 Opto- Sub-D 9p/f Sub-D 9p/f Ansley 10p/f
duplex, 2 m, bidirec- RS232 Duplex
tional communication Opto- Sub-D 9p/f
RS232 Duplex
S47010024 Opto-RS cable, 5 Opto- Without
duplex, 5 m, bidirec- RS232 connector
tional communication
04761027 Connecting cable 2 USB Sub-D 9p/f
without connector
Standard Sub-D Connection
RS232, Sub-D 9p/m connector connecting cables for the following machines
or precision handtools:TESA MICRO-HITE /TESA-HITE / TESA-μHITE / TESA TG /
3D Machines
04761063 04761052 S47120002
04761063 Sub-D 9p/m to USB cable, 2M L, m Connector Connector
04761052 Extension cable, Sub-D 9p/f to 9p/m, 2 m (to instrument) (to PC or system)
S47010025 Extension cable, Sub-D 9p/f to 9p/m, 10 m 2 USB
S47120002 Sub-D 9p/m to USB adapter cable 2 Sub-D 9p/m Sub-D 9p/f
10 Sub-D 9p/m Sub-D 9p/f
0,1 Sub-D 9p/m USB
Sub-D 9p/m