Page 277 - TesaKatalogen
P. 277

E le c t r o n i c L e n gth M easu r i n g E q uipme n t

     For the acquisition of measured values, TESA offers a complete family of probes and mea-
     suring instruments for the most demanding applications. The probes, supplied in standard
     execution, do not need any form of adaptation. They function on the inductive half-bridge
     The market offers other equipment using probes that partly operate on the principle of a
     differential transformer and these are known as LVDT (Linear Variable Differential
     Transformer) probes.
     TESA also offers a range of probes compatible with other electronic equipment, using an
     adaptor and a connector depending on the origin of the equipment. A description of TESA
     standard half-bridge and LVDT probes is provided below.

     Standard half-bridge probes for TESA equipment

     Operating Principle                                                                                                            +U  Lf
     All TESA electronic probes (value sensors) work based on the inductive                                                                             +S
     principle with mechanical contact of the workpiece.                           -S 0
     They are fitted with a coil system inducing an alternating output voltage
     that depends on the the position of the ferro magnetic core. When sym-                                               LL
     metrically positioned – i.e. at electrical zero – no voltage is impressed.                                                    -U
     A move of the core, which may be attached to the measuring bolt while
     the measurand is being taken, causes the inductance to change. This           Inductive measuring
     change generates a signal that is amplified and rectified before being        S: Travel
     displayed and further output. Depending on the instrument type, the           U: Output current
     analogue signal will be shown on a voltmetre or a numerical display after     0: Electrical zero
     a digital transformation.                                                     L: Linearity range
     Unambiguous assessment of the measurand (at bolt position) to the             Lf: Linearity error
     signal (displayed value) is the main characteristic of analogue value
     acquisition. One of its distinct advantages lies in the value primarily dis-
     played, which will be reproduced in the event of a power cut (switch-off
     or power failure).

     TESA Standard Half-Bridge Probes for TESA Electronic Equipment                        Ua   Ua1,Fa1                                 U=KxX
     These probes have two serial coils with middle output mounted side by           Rs Uo
     side, which are energized by a sinusoidal alternation signal at 13 kHz.                           G1
     Both are linked together to a Wheatstone bridge over an additional half-              -Ua  Rch1
     bridge.                                                                       X

                                                                                   Wiring plan of half-bridge probes

     TESA LVDT Probes                                                                                    Ua2,Fa2
     These probes are based on a Linear Variable Differential Transformer          Ua
     (LVDT). They have three coils, i.e. one primary coil being energized by a
     sinusoidal alternation at 5 kHz, and two secondary coils connected in            Rs Uo                                             U=KxX
     opposite phase, which generate the output current proportional to the         X
     measuring travel.                                                                                 G2
     Available upon request.                                                                    Rch2

                                                                                   Wiring plan of LVDT probes

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