Page 207 - TesaKatalogen
P. 207

G a u ge B l oc k C o m pa r ato r s                                EN ISO 3650

     TESA UPC– for Comparative Measurement                                              For gauge blocks
                                                                                         ranging from 0,5 mm
     TESA UPC Gauge Block Comparator for Comparative Measurement                         to 100 mm or 0.02 in
     –– Measures gauge blocks of same nominal length by comparison.                      to 4 in
     –– Comes with the new template system for positioning the gauge blocks.             (0,5 to 500 mm on
     –– Single or dual template system for optimum ease of gauge handling.               request)
     –– Features TESA high-precision inductive probes.                                   Comparative mea-
     –– Allows ultra-precise temperature measurement, integrated.                        surement procedure
     –– Transfers on-line all measured length and temperature values.                    with transference of
     –– Executes computer-aided data processing with all required correction values      the length of a refe-
                                                                                         rence gauge block
        included.                                                                        to the gauge block
     –– Performs calibrations that meet the requirements of both ISO standards and       being measured.

        EA guidelines (EAL – European cooperation for Accreditation of Laboratories).    Measuring confi-
     –– Includes an execution for greater accuracy along with a calibration certificate  guration
                                                                                         2 probes connected
        (optional).                                                                      in sum measure-
                                                                                         ment (function
     TESA UPC is specially designed for the  If specified, TESA can also provide the     +A+B) with mecha-
     calibration – or dimensional inspec-    temperature device available as an          nical contact with
     tion – of gauge blocks with nominal     option. This device has 4 PT100 plat-       the measuring face.
     lenghts ranging from 0,5 to 100 mm.     inum resistances, each capturing the
     The configuration, which consists       temperature of the two gauge blocks         Measuring points
     of two probes aligned opposite one      along with that of both the measuring       On the reference
     another, associated with both the       table and the support. Computer-            gauge block: at
     concept and quality of the measuring    aided data processing lets you carry        the centre of the
     system provides full guarantee for an   out any calibration most reliably and       measuring face
     extra low uncertainty of measurement.   rationally – for sure.                      (point R). On the
     Although TESA UPC is mainly intended                                                gauge block to be
     for manufacturers and end-users of                                                  measured: at the
     gauge blocks, this comparator is also                                               centre (point 1) as
     widely used in nationally accredited                                                well as the 4 corners
     laboratories.                                                                       of the measuring
                                                                                         face, each lying
                                                                                         2 mm away from
                                                                                         the adjacent faces
                                                                                         (points 2 to 5).

                                                                                         Central length lc is
                                                                                         defined by probing
                                                                                         both points R and 1.

                                                                                         Establishing lengths
                                                                                         at any point requires
                                                                                         measurements to
                                                                                         be taken at points R
                                                                                         plus 1 to 5.

                                                                                         Variation in length v
                                                                                         is the result of mea-
                                                                                         surements taken at
                                                                                         points 1 to 5.
                                                                                         ≈ 23 kg (comparator
                                                                                         complete, but
                                                                                         without computer).
                                                                                         ≈ 4 kg (temperature
                                                                                         All instruments
                                                                                         with the option for
                                                                                         greater accuracy are
                                                                                         delivered with serial
                                                                                         In-house calibration
                                                                                         certificate for the
                                                                                         version with greater
                                                                                         accuracy or decla-
                                                                                         ration of
                                                                                         conformity for the
                                                                                         standard version.
                                                                                         Temperature device
                                                                                         with SCS certificate.

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