Page 329 - TesaKatalogen
P. 329

E le c t r o n i c L e n gth M easu r i n g E q uipme n t                          ± 2 mm, ± 5 mm

                      TWIN-STATION Receiver for TESA Wireless Probes                                      0,1 μm
                                                                                                           For a temperature of
                      Modular system available in 2 executions (TWIN-STATION and BPX) for the conver-      20°C and a relative
                      sion of inductive probe signals into digital values for transmission to a computer.  humidity of
                      These units are important components for measuring fixtures requiring freedom        ≤ 50 %: Digital
                      of movement without any constraints and without any cables, a wireless trans-        output: ± (0,05 +
                      mission                                                                              0,15 % of measuring
                      Signal inputs – 1 to 8 TESA half-bridge wireless probes*                             range)
                      Signal outputs – digital, RS232 through USB port                                     55 x 172 x 155 mm
                      –– Direct connection to the USB port of the computer.                                (H x W x D)
                      –– Perfect fit for your metrology applications through the connection of up to 16    Housing case in
                         wireless probes by means of serial USB to 2 TWIN-STATION units.                   For a temperature of
                      –– Great functional reliability and high accuracy.                                   20°C and a relative
                      –– TWIN-STATION is compatible and can be used with BPX.                              humidity of ≤ 50 %:
                      –– TIS interface software TIS included in supply of TWIN-STATION (part no.           Zero drift:
                                                                                                           ≤ ± 0,05 %/°C.
                         05030012): display of measured values. Possibility of indicating tolerances,      Sensitivity drift:
                         simple functions +A, -A , +A+B, +AB , and export of values ​to a .Csv file.       ≤ ± 0,05 %/°C.
                      Note: The sale of TWIN-STATION is limited to EU countries, Switzerland, USA and      Acquisition time:
                      Canada.                                                                              20 ms (between two
                      * The sale of wireless probes is limited to EU countries, Switzerland, USA, Canada   consecutive mea-
                      and China.                                                                           surements) 2 ms
                                                                                                           (timing window)
GTL 21 W wireless                                   TWIN-STATION, rear                                     Time for data
probe with VERIBOR                                                                                         transfer from digital
(optional)                                                                                                 serial output (USB):
                                                                                                           depends on the
                               TWIN-STATION, front                                                         operating system of
                                                                                                           the computer
                                                                                                           Power supply
                                                                                                           via USB cable
                                                                                                           – directly to PC
                                                                                                           (USB port)
                                                                                                           – to a USB-connec-
                                                                                                           ted hub
                                                                                                           – to a BPX probe
                                                                                                           interface (05030010)
                                                                                                           IP40 (IEC 60529)
                                                                                                           (DIN 40050)
                                                                                                           IEC/EN 61326-1
                                                                                                           U.S. 47 CFR part 15,
                                                                                                           subpart B, Class B
                                                                                                           digital device
                                                                                                           0,85 kg

                                                                                                           USB cable, 1,80 m

                                                    TIS Software, inclued in the TWIN-STATION supply

            05030012  Number of wireless probes     Power supply         Weight, kg
                      per TWIN-STATION              Power supply via:    0,85
O-56                  1-8                           – USB port of PC
                                                    – USB-connected hub
                                                    – BPX
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