Page 337 - TesaKatalogen
P. 337

A c c esso r ies fo r a x ial p r obes                                                                                             All values given in
                                                                                                                                                                             the table for the
                              Spring sets, bellows, clamping elements, ma-                                                                                                   measuring force
                              nual retraction for axial probes                                                                                                              equal nominal
                              Spring Sets for Axial Probes                                                                                                                  values at electrical
                                                                                                                                                                             zero; max. deviation
                              03260419  Spring sets for GT22     Measuring force (N)                                                                                         ± 25 %. Valid for
                              03260420  Spring sets for GT22                                                                                                                 upright assembly
                              03260457  Spring sets for GT21/22  0,16                                                                                                        position with
                              03260422  Spring sets for GT21/22  0,25                                                                                                        downward oriented
                              03260423  Spring sets for GT21/22  0,63                                                                                                        measuring bolt,
                              03260424  Spring sets for GT21/22  1,0                                                                                                         and used in static
                                                                 1,6                                                                                                         measurement.
                                                                 2,5                                                                                                         Nitrile: resistant
                                                                                                                                                                             synthetic sealing for
                              Bellows for Axial Probes                                                                                                                      normal use. Viton:
                              03260468  For 4,3 mm bolt travel GT 21, 22, GTL Nitrile                                                                                        synthetic sealing.
                              03260470  21, 211, 22                                                                                                                          Used in conditions
                              03260489  For 4,3 mm bolt travel GT 21, 22, GTL Viton                                                                                          where probes
                              03260491  21, 211, 22                                                                                                                          are permanently
                              03260490  For pressure probe 4,3 mm bolt travel Viton                                                                                          exposed to coolants
                                        GTL 212, 222                                                                                                                         and lubricants.
                                        For 10,3 mm bolt travel GT 27, 271, 28, Viton
                                        61, 611, 62                                                Protection bellow
                                        For pressure probe 10,3 mm bolt travel Viton
                                        GT 272, 282, 612, 622

                              Clamping Elements for Axial Probes

                              Elements with 3 clamping faces – Prevents any deformation of the measuring
                              bolt guiding system, thus preserving all the metrological properties of the probe.

                              02611013  VKD clamping screw                                                     A mm
                              02611014  VKE clamping sleeve                                                    M4
                              01860401  Y61 fixing clamp
                              02660048  VDE 28 probe holder      Ø 8 mm
                                                                 Ø 5,6 mm and Ø 9,5 with dovetail
                                                                 Ø 8 mm

                                                                                                   ø4,3 / 7,5

      10      0


                                        12 ø8                                          5 20                    5
                                               10                                               30
                                                                             M4            ø8
                                                                                                                                                                      12 28
      Fixing clamp for axial  VKE – clamping sleeve                     6              VDE – clamping élément with
      probe                                                                            sleeve and clamping screw
                                                     VKD – clamping screw

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