Page 341 - TesaKatalogen
P. 341
A c c esso r ies fo r u n ive r sal F M S p r obes
Springs, pneumatic actuators, holders, off- Rectangular flat
set inserts, for FMS probe measuring face
Inserts with Offset Measuring Faces, for FMS Probes Carbide
2,2 All values given in
the table for the
1 measuring force
equal nominal va-
02630047 VBM offset insert Drawing 53 2 12,2 0,7 24,2 lues at electrical
02630048 VBN offset insert 21 3 zero; max. deviation
02630049 VBO offset insert 1 ± 25 %. Valid for
02630050 VBP offset insert 2 4 probing movements
02630051 VBQ offset insert 3 executed horizontal-
4 Inserts with offset 5 ly as well
5 faces for FMS probes as in static mea-
23,6 suring.
All values given in
Fixed Holder, for FMS Probe the table for the
measuring force
12 / 13 8/13 equal nominal va-
4/5 lues at electrical
ø4 H7 zero; max. deviation
ø6 H7 ø4 H7 ± 25 %. Valid for
ø6 H7 probing movements
23,5 / 25 02630042 VBH fixed holder 4 Number Position 31 executed horizontal-
12 02630043 VBJ fixed holder 4 20 / 2523,5 ly as well
02630045 VBK fixed holder 6 2 Horizontal 12 as in static mea-
02630046 VBL fixed holder 6 1 Vertical 02630042 suring mode
25 12 2 Horizontal 02630045 12
1 Vertical
03230046 Holder with Fine Adjustment for FMS Probe
Helps greatly for setting a FMS probe.
Setting and locking screws remain accessible even when several probes are
mounted side by side.
max. 25 02630053 mm 4 Number Position 20
02630055 4 13 12
02630053 02630052 25 6 2 Horizontal
02630054 25 6 1 Vertical ø 6 H7
25 2 Horizontal ø 4 H7
25 1 Vertical
Auxiliary Springs and Pneumatic Retraction Jack, for FMS
30,5 2,2
M8 x 0,75 6
12 N M5
Auxiliary sping element 03260440 Pneumatic jack 11 (for 4 bars) ø3
for FMS probe 03260441 Spring element 0,4 17
03260442 Spring element 0,63
03260443 Spring element 1,0 27,5
03260444 Spring element 1,6
03260445 Spring element 2,0 Pneumatic cylinder
03260446 Spring element 2,5 (jack) for FMS probe
03260447 Spring element 4,0
Spring Set with Specific Measuring Force, for FMS Probe
03260448 Spring set red Meauring force, N M8 x 0,75
03260449 Spring set yellow
03260450 Spring set green 0,4 Spring set for mea-
03260451 Spring set blue 0,63 suring force for FMS
03260452 Spring set brown 1,0 probe
03260453 Spring set black 1,6