Page 79 - TesaKatalogen
P. 79

I n t e r n a l Me a s u r e m e n t                        DIN 863 T4
                                                                                                 (Style C1)
                   TESA IMICRO with Analogue Indication – Full Metric Sets                      NF E 11-099
                                                                                                 Measuring faces
                                                                                                 on models from
                                                                                                 3,5 to 12 mm:
                                                                                                 hardened steel,
                                                                                                 HV30 770;
                                                                                                 11 to 100 mm: tita-
                                                                                                 nium nitride (TiN)
                                                                                                 to HV5 2300.
                                                                                                 100 to 200 mm:
                                                                                                 tungsten carbide
                                                                                                 tipped to HV5 1300.
                                                                                                 Inspection report
                                                                                                 with a declaration
                                                                                                 of conformity

                               mm         Isolated     mm         Setting   mm  Extensions A mm
                                          instruments             rings
                                                       3,5 ÷ 4                  00840001 100
     Composition of the sets:             00813410     4 ÷ 4,5                  00840301 150
                                          00813411     4,5 ÷ 5,5                00841100 150
     00813409 BAE              3,5 ÷ 6,5  00813412     5,5 ÷ 6,5  00843200 4    00841800 150
                                          00813413     6÷8        00843201 5,5
                                          00810001     8 ÷ 10                   00842600 150
     00810000 BAF              6 ÷ 12     00810002     10 ÷ 12    00840101 8
     00810800 BAG              11 ÷ 20    00810003     11 ÷ 14    00840102 10
     00811500 BAH              20 ÷ 40    00810801     14 ÷ 17
                                          00810802     17 ÷ 20    00840103 11
                                          00810803     20 ÷ 25    00840105 17
                                          00811501     25 ÷ 30
                                          00811502     30 ÷ 35    00840106 25
                                          00811503     35 ÷ 40    00840107 35
                                          00811504     40 ÷ 50
     00812300 BAJ              40 ÷ 100   00812301     50 ÷ 60    00840108  50
                                          00812302     60 ÷ 70    00840109  70
                                          00812303     70 ÷ 80    00840110  90
                                          00812304     80 ÷ 90
     00812600 BAK              100 ÷ 200  00812305     90 ÷ 100   00840112 125
                                          00812306     100 ÷ 125  00840113 175
                                          00812601     125 ÷ 150
                                          00812602     150 ÷ 175
                                          00812603     175 ÷ 200

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