Page 10 - TesaKatalogen
P. 10

What is known...

     	Permissible limits of                            	Maximum permissible
      a metrological characteristic MPL                 errors G
F:	Limites tolérées d’une charactéristique 	      F:	Erreurs maximales tolérées G
   métrologique MPL                               D:	Fehlergrenzen G
D:	 Grenzwerte eines Messtechnischen 	            These errors are assimilated to the "Permissible­
   Merkmals MPL                                   limits of a metrological characteristic MPL".
Extreme permissible values of a metrological      Being related to both upper and lower highest
characteristic of a given measuring equipment,    deviations of a measuring instrument, they are
according to specifications or standards of the   usually symmetrical in practical metrology and,
manufacturer or others.                           therefore, stated as single value, without any
     	Maximum permissible errors for
      a metrological characteristic MPE                	
F:	Erreurs maximales tolérées d’une 	                   Deviation span of indication
   charactéristique métrologique MPE              F :	 Champ d’erreur d’indication
D:	 Grenzwerte für Messabweichungen für           D:	Abweichungsspanne
   ein messtechnisches Merkmal MPE                This deviation span matches the distance from
Extreme values of the permissible error for a     the highest to the lowest point of a coordinate
metrological characteristic of a given measuring  as shown on the relevant diagram. The value
equipment, according to specifications or stan-   obtained is either applicable to whole or the local
dards of the manufacturer or others.              measuring span or measuring range.
                                                  All required measurements are carried out in
     	                                            one direction (without reversal of the measuring
      Repeatability                               force) – i.e. with upward plunger movement for
F:	Fidélité (répétabilité)                        a dial gauge. For those needed to establish the
D:	Wiederholpräzision                             whole deviation span, they are performed in both
Ability of a measuring instrument to repeat       directions (with reversal of the measuring force)
the results obtained from the same measurand      – i.e. with upward and downward movement of
successively measured in the same direction,      the plunger for a dial gauge.
also under the same conditions.
Repeatability, which delivers important in­for­        	
mation for the assessment of the uncertainty            Hysteresis
of measurement, is quantitatively expressed as    F:	Hystérésis
standard deviation of dispersion values.          D:	 (Messwert-) Umkehrspanne
                                                  Hysteresis expresses the difference between
      Repeatability limit                         various indications of a measuring instrument.
F:	Fidélité (répétabilité) limite                 This value is achieved through measurements
D:	Wiederholgrenze                                of the increasing/decreasing value of the same
Extreme value for repeatability.                  measurand, taken under the same conditions.
                                                  Hysteresis, which is quantitatively stated as
                                                  standard deviation of value dispersion, can be
                                                  determined anywhere within the measuring span
                                                  or range. Its amount can also be obtained from
                                                  the diagram of the deviation span as a whole.

             0   Repeatability                                0      Hysteresis
    90 10                                             90 10
80 20                       0                     80 20                       0
                    90 10                                             90 10
70 30           80 20                             70 30           80 20
    60 40       70 30                                 60 40       70 30
            50      60 40                                     50      60 40

                            50                                                50

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