Page 7 - TesaKatalogen
P. 7

What is known...

        Quantities and Units                                    Derived units (of measurement)
                                                                F: Unités dérivées
        International System of Units (SI)
        F: Système international d’unités (SI)                  D: Abgeleitete Einheiten
        D: Internationales Einheitensystem (SI)

        Quantity                   SI base unit     Symbol               Quantity              Unit    Symbol   Relationship to
        length                                      m                    plane angle           Name    rad
        mass                       Name             kg                                         radian           SI base unit
        time                       metre            s                    frequency                     Hz       1 rad = 1 mm
        electric current           kilogram         A                    force                 hertz   N        1 rad = 57,295 779 51°
        thermodynamic temperature  second           K                    pressure              newton  Pa       1 Hz = 1 s-1
        amount of substance        ampere           md                   power                 pascal  W        1 N = 1 m kg s-2
        luminous intensity         kelvin           cd                   electrical potential  watt    V        1 Pa = 1 m-1 kg s-2
                                   mole                                                        volt             1 W = 1 m2 kg s-3
                                   candela                                                                      1 V = 1 m2 kg s-3 A-1

        Decimal multiples and submultiples of the base unit "metre"

        Unit                       Symbol           m                    cm        mm                   µm nm

        kilometre                  km 13 m          1000 m               100 cm    1 000 000 mm         1 000 000 µm     1 000 000 nm
        Metre                      m 1m                1 m                 10 cm       1 000 mm           100 000 µm       100 000 nm
        decimetre                  dm 10-1 m           0,1 m               1 cm         100 mm             10 000 µm        10 000 nm
                                                                           0,1 cm                           1 000 µm         1 000 nm
        centimetre                 cm 10-2 m           0,01 m                            10 mm               100 µm           100 nm
        Millimetre                 mm 10-3 m           0,001 m                            1 mm                10 µm            10 nm
         tenth millimetre                              0,000 1 m                          0,1 mm               1 µm             1 nm
                                            10-4 m                                                             0,1 µm
         hundredth millimetre                          0,000 01 m                         0,01 mm              0,01 µm
        Micrometre                          10-5 m     0,000 001 m                        0,001 mm             0,001 µm
         tenth micrometre          µm 10-6 m            0,000 000 1 m                     0,000 1 mm

         hundredth micrometre               10-7 m      0,000 000 01 m                    0,000 01 mm
        Nanometre                                       0,000 000 001 m                   0,000 001 mm
                                            10-8 m
                                   nm 10-9 m

        Definition of the metre                                 Reference temperature
        F: Définition du mètre – D: Meterdefinition             F: Température de référence
        "The metre is defined as the distance
        travelled by light in vacuum during a time              D: Bezugstemperatur
        of 1/299 792 458 of a second."                          For measuring instruments and workpieces,
                                                                ISO R1 assesses this temperature is 20°C.
        17th General Conference on Weights and Measures, 1983.  The temperature of 20°C is assumed to be valid
                                                                for any size, material measure, measur­ement
                                                                result etc., unless otherwise specified.

        Measurement tasks                                       Calibrating
                                                                F: Etalonner – D: Kalibrieren
        F: Contrôler – D: Prüfen                                Establishing the actual deviation of a measuring
        Determining whether a test object complies              instrument from desired value.
        with specified requirements (e.g. as regards            This is usually done through measurement oper­
        both dimensions and form).                              ations. The result of a calibration is documented
                                                                in the form of a calibration certificate and can
        Measuring                                               be used later on for adjustment purposes, for
        F: Mesurer – D: Messen                                  instance.
        Obtaining a value (e.g. length value) measured
        by comparison against a master s­ tandard
        (e.g. material measure).

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