Page 9 - TesaKatalogen
P. 9

What is known...

        Metrological                                                     Measurand
        Definitions                                                      F: Mesurande – D: Messgröße
                                                                         Physical quantity of a measurement. In other
             	                                                           words, the measurand is the length or the angle
              Range of indication                                        as measured or to be ­measured.
        F: Etendue d’indication – D: Anzeigebereich
        The range of indication lies between the high­                   Measured value
        est and lowest display values of a ­measuring                    F: Valeur mesurée – D: Messwert
        instrument.                                                      Any measured value expresses the result of a
                                                                         measurement. Therefore, this value is directly
             	                                                           associated with the measurand and further
              Measuring range                                            allocated to the output feature (e.g. display)
        F: Etendue de mesure – D: Messbereich                            of a measuring instrument or device.
        The measuring range of an indicating device                      A measured value is expressed as the product
        is the range within which the measured values                    of both numerical value and unit.
        cannot exceed the maximum permissible errors.                    The measured value includes the true value plus
        For tools having several measuring ranges, these                 the random and systematic errors of the relevant
        errors may vary from a range to another.                         tool.
        The measuring range may well be contained wit-
        hin the related whole range of indication.                       Result of measurement
                                                                         F: Résultat de mesure – D: Messergebnis
             	                                                           Product of a measured value once corrected on
              Measuring span                                             the basis of the known systematic errors.
        F: Champ de mesure – D: Messspanne                               This result is further increased by the uncer-
        This span equals the d­ ifference between both                   tainty of measurement, which includes the ran-
        first and last values of the measuring range as                  dom as well as any unknown systematic error.
                                                                         First value  Example:                                      Last value
             	                                                               0        Measuring range 0 to 150 mm                      150 mm
              Displacement range
        F: Etendue de déplacement – D: Verstellbereich                                First value	   0 mm
        Measurand related extent within which the                                     Last value	          150 mm
        meas­uring range can be moved.
                                                                                      Difference	          150 mm = Measuring span
              Application range                                                                   0                                 Upper end stop
        F:	 Etendue d’application                                                         90 10
        D:	Anwendungsbereich                                                          80 20                Post
        The application range is equal to the sum of both                                                  span
        displacement and measuring ranges.                                            70 30
                                                                                          60 40
        Note:	 The first and last values make each range different from                           50
               one another.
                                                                                                           Range of indication
                                      Application range                                                            Measuring range
                                      300 mm to 400 mm
                                                                                       Lower end stop      Pre span
                                                                                      Measuring range
                                                                                                                                    ± 0,4 mm

                                                                                                           Measuring span: 0,8 mm

                      Measuring range 300 mm to 325 mm

                  25                                                                              0
             25                                                                          10 10
        25                                                                            20 0,01 mm 20

                                            25 mm                                     30          30
                                  Measuring span                                          40  40

        75 0
              Displacement range
              0 to 75 mm

                                                                                      Range of indication                           ± 0,45 mm

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