Page 8 - TesaKatalogen
P. 8
What is known...
Indication related definitions Scale spacing
Scale division
F: Indication – D: Anzeige 0
The indication, which provides the information 90 10
about the measured value, is directly perceptible
by human senses. It may be optical, acoustic or
based on any other output feature. 0,01 mm
Displaying devices may either have a digital, Scale interval
analogue or any other special indication. Line scale (circular scale)
For material measures, the indication matches
displayed value.
Note: According to the standards, the terms "analogue" Scale division
and "digital" are only used to differentiate the me- F: Division d’échelle (échelon) – D: Skalenteil
thods of measurement. Therefore, they should not be
used for the definition of the indications. Part of a scale between two successive scale
Scale indication
F: Indication de l’échelle – D: Skalenanzeige
Scale indication is the readable position of a Scale interval
scale mark. F: Echelon, valeur d’une division (d’échelle)
D: Skalenteilungswert
Line scale The scale interval is the difference between the
F: Echelle à traits – D: Strichskale values matching two successive scale marks.
A line scale is the successive number of This characteristic is expressed in the units mar-
graduation (scale marks) on a scale. ked on the scale.
Scale spacing Vernier interval
F: Longueur d’une division (d’échelle) F: Valeur du vernier – D: Noniuswert
D: Teilstrichabstand The vernier interval is the alteration of the value
Scale spacing is expressed in length units as of a measurand, which in turn changes the indi-
the distance between two successive scale cation by one scale division of the vernier scale.
marks measured along the same line by a
marker (e.g. the end of a pointer). Vernier interval, 0,05 mm 84
884400,,,444555 mm
Line scales 8 9 10 11 12 84,45 mm
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Longitudinal scale Circular scale 13 14
0 1 2 34567890
0,1 mm 0 119
90 10 Vernier0 inte1rval2, 0,032 mm4 5 6 7 8 9 0 11119900,,,333888 mm
01 234567 80 20 119,38 mm
00 70 30
Main scale 60 40
(material measure) 50
Vernier scale 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Numerical (digital) indication Numerical division
F: Indication numérique F: Pas (échelon) numérique – D: Ziffernschritt
D: Ziffernanzeige The numerical division is the difference between
The numerical indication is shown in the form two successive digits from their last position on
of a digit (succession of digits). a numerical scale.
Numerical scale Numerical interval
F: Echelle numérique– D: Ziffernskale F: Valeur du pas (échelon) numérique
A numerical scale is a succession of digits D: Ziffernschrittwert
(usually 0 to 9). On a multi-scale, the single The numerical interval is the alteration by one
numerical scales are arranged side by side numerical value of the indication. This charac-
in a decimal fraction. teristic, which matches the scale interval, is
expressed in the units of the m easurand.